Monday, 3 October 2011

Neutrino Bow Wave Theory

Here is my theory as to why neutrinos are apparently travelling faster than the speed of light.

Imagine measuring the position of the boats in the Oxford v Cambridge boat race by water displacement rather than optically. The arriving boats have a bow wave which is a few centimetres in front of the boat. Measuring this would give an apparently faster boat.

Neutrinos leaving the Cern collider have been travelling in a cold vacuum and are measured leaving Cern accurately. After travelling through the earth they have built up the equivalent of a bow wave and are measured arriving early.

Neutrinos travelling through space have no medium in which to create a bow wave so are seen arriving at the same time as light.

The theory can be tested by using a detector at a different distance from Cern and the result would show the same 60ns 'early' arrival.

It would also be an indicator if the detectors are not measuring the neutrinos directly, rather a side effect of their positions.

(c) Antony Pace 3 October 2011 7:30am UK time

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